why did william lloyd garrison massachusetts in 1829


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Why did he do what in 1829?


To understand why William Lloyd Garrison moved to Massachusetts in 1829, we need to consider his background and the historical context.

William Lloyd Garrison was a prominent American abolitionist and social reformer. He was born in Massachusetts in 1805 and grew up in poverty. As a young man, he became involved in the abolitionist movement and was deeply committed to the cause of ending slavery.

By the early 19th century, Massachusetts had already become a center of anti-slavery sentiment and activism. It was a hotbed of reform movements, including temperance, women's rights, and abolitionism. Abolitionism, in particular, gained significant traction in Massachusetts, with societies forming to advocate for the immediate emancipation of slaves.

Garrison moved to Massachusetts because it provided an environment where he could actively engage in abolitionist work and collaborate with like-minded individuals. The state offered a supportive community of reformers and provided a platform for Garrison to express his views through the press.

In 1829, Garrison co-founded the New England Anti-Slavery Society in Boston, Massachusetts. The society aimed to advocate for the abolition of slavery through non-violent means, including moral persuasion, freedom of speech, and direct action. Garrison's move to Massachusetts was driven by his desire to join and lead the abolitionist movement actively.

So, to summarize, William Lloyd Garrison moved to Massachusetts in 1829 because it was a hub of abolitionist activity, and he wanted to contribute to the cause and work with fellow activists in their efforts to end slavery.