Find the product.

Is the answer B??

Yes, B is right.

Thank you😂

To find the product, we need to multiply -3m by (m+8).

Distributing -3m to both terms in the parentheses, we get:
-3m * m + -3m * 8

Simplifying the expression, we have:
-3m^2 - 24m

Therefore, the correct answer is B.

To find the product of -3m(m+8), you need to distribute -3m to each term inside the parentheses. Here's the step-by-step calculation:

= -3m * m + (-3m * 8) (distributing -3m)
= -3m^2 - 24m (simplifying the multiplication)

So, the answer is B. -3m^2 - 24m. You got it right!