
i agree with reiny

Thank u two!!

To simplify the expression (-2c^4)(4cd)(-cd^2), we can use the rules of multiplication and the properties of exponents:

Step 1: Multiply the coefficients. The coefficients are -2, 4, and -1.
-2 * 4 * -1 = 8

Step 2: Multiply the variables. The variables are c and d, and the exponents are 4, 1, and 2.
c^4 * c * (-c^2) = c^(4+1-2) = c^3
d^1 * d * (-d^2) = d^(1+1-2) = d^0 = 1

Step 3: Combine the multiplied coefficients and variables. The result is:
8c^3 * 1 = 8c^3

Therefore, the simplified expression is 8c^3.

looks like

8 c^6 d^3 to me