6. Given the functions rule f(x)=x^2-3x+2 what is the output of f(-2)?

A. -8

7. Suppose you earn $12 each time you now the lawn. Which function describes the relationship between your total earnings E and the number of times you now the lawn, m?

6. f(-2) = (-2)^2 - 3(-2) + 2

= ....

7. no choices shown

"now" the lawn ? You typed it twice, so clearly no typo.

To find the output of a function for a particular value, you need to substitute that value for the variable in the function and evaluate the expression. Let's go through each question step by step:

6. Given the function rule f(x) = x^2 - 3x + 2, you are asked to find the output of f(-2). To do this, replace every occurrence of x with -2 in the function:

f(-2) = (-2)^2 - 3(-2) + 2

Now simplify the expression:

f(-2) = 4 + 6 + 2
f(-2) = 12

Therefore, the output of f(-2) is 12.

7. The relationship between your total earnings E and the number of times you mow the lawn, m, can be described using a linear function. Since you earn $12 each time you mow the lawn, the function can be written as:

E = 12m

Here, E represents your total earnings, and m represents the number of times you mow the lawn.

So, the function that describes the relationship between your total earnings E and the number of times you now the lawn, m, is E = 12m.