For questions 38-40 use the triangle.

|\ 45° angles for the top of the
| \ triangle and the bottom right
| \C
| \ 38: If a=12, find b
| \ 39: If b=2,find c
| \ 40: If c=12,find a
B. Is this pythagorean Therorem? When I try it that way it's not working out? Could someone please explain what to do. Thank you

So I assume this is a 90-45-45 triangle.

no, this is a 1-.707-.707 triangle.

I don'tknow where a, b, c are. For example, if the hypotenuse is 34, then the legs are 34*.707

If a leg were 15, then the hypotenuse would be 15/.707

Yes it's a 90, 45 45 triangle. And the letters go like this.



To solve the problem and find the missing values of b, c, and a, we need to use trigonometric functions, specifically the sine, cosine, and tangent.

38: Given that a = 12, we need to find b.
Since angle C is 45 degrees, we can use the sine function.
sin(C) = b / a
sin(45) = b / 12

To find b, multiply both sides by 12:
b = 12 * sin(45)

39: Given that b = 2, we need to find c.
Since angle C is 45 degrees, we can use the cosine function.
cos(C) = c / b
cos(45) = c / 2

To find c, multiply both sides by 2:
c = 2 * cos(45)

40: Given that c = 12, we need to find a.
Since angle C is 45 degrees, we can use the tangent function.
tan(C) = a / c
tan(45) = a / 12

To find a, multiply both sides by 12:
a = 12 * tan(45)

Now, let's calculate the missing values:

38: b = 12 * sin(45)
b ≈ 12 * 0.7071
b ≈ 8.485

39: c = 2 * cos(45)
c ≈ 2 * 0.7071
c ≈ 1.414

40: a = 12 * tan(45)
a ≈ 12 * 1
a ≈ 12

Therefore, b ≈ 8.485, c ≈ 1.414, and a ≈ 12.

Regarding your question about the Pythagorean theorem, it applies to right triangles, which have a right angle (90 degrees). In this triangle, angle C is not 90 degrees, so the Pythagorean theorem does not apply. Instead, we use trigonometric functions to solve for the missing side lengths.