Find the equation of a horizontal line that goes through the point (5, -3). Explain your answer

any horizontal line has equation y = c , where c is the y element of your given point

y = -3

or, the long way:

slope of a horizontal line is 0 , then
y = 0x + b
plug in the given point(5,-3)
-3 = 0(5) + b
b = -3

y = 0x - 3
y = -3

To find the equation of a horizontal line that goes through the point (5, -3), we can use the fact that a horizontal line has a constant y-coordinate for all points on the line.

Since the line is horizontal, its slope is zero. We can write the equation of a horizontal line in the form y = b, where b is the y-coordinate of any point on the line.

Since the line goes through the point (5, -3), we can substitute the x-coordinate (5) into the equation to find the value of b:

y = b

-3 = b

Therefore, the equation of the horizontal line that goes through the point (5, -3) is y = -3.

To find the equation of a horizontal line that goes through the point (5, -3), we need to understand that a horizontal line has a constant y-coordinate at every point.

Since we want a horizontal line that passes through the point (5, -3), we know that the y-coordinate of every point on the line will be -3.

Therefore, the equation of the horizontal line can be written as y = -3, where y is the dependent variable and -3 is the value that y takes at every point on the line.

In this case, no matter the x-value, the y-value will always be -3, resulting in a straight horizontal line.