find the gretest number of seven digits which is a perfect square. also find its square root


1000^2 = 1,000,000, which is the smallest 7-digit number.
10 times that will be 8 digits.
√10 = 3.1622, so
3162^2 = 9,998,244
3163^2 = 10,004,569

To find the greatest number of seven digits that is a perfect square, we need to determine the square root of the highest possible seven-digit number and then square it.

The highest seven-digit number is 9,999,999. Now, let's find its square root:

√9,999,999 ≈ 3162.27766

When we square this value, we get:

3162.27766^2 ≈ 9,999,994.0002

As 9,999,994 is not a perfect square, we need to find the next lower perfect square. The closest perfect square below 9,999,994 is:

3161^2 = 9,996,921

Therefore, the greatest seven-digit number that is a perfect square is 9,996,921. Its square root is 3161.