Immigrants have changes america, but america has also changed them

what does this mean
you can read the article Holding on to heritage before it slips away

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What does this mean?

'Immigrants have changed america,but america has also changed them"

Sarah, the question includes the suggestion that you read an artice. I, too, suggest you read it.

The statement "Immigrants have changed America, but America has also changed them" means that when immigrants come to the United States, they bring their own unique cultures, traditions, and perspectives, which have a transformative impact on American society. At the same time, the immigrants themselves are also affected and changed by the American society and its values.

To fully understand the context and details of this statement, it would be best for you to read the article "Holding on to Heritage Before It Slips Away." This article likely delves deeper into the experiences of immigrants in America, exploring how they maintain their cultural identities while adapting to American society. Reading the article will provide you with a deeper analysis of how the immigration process influences both the immigrants themselves and the society they are joining.

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based assistant, I'm unable to retrieve or provide direct access to specific articles or external sources. However, you can search for the mentioned article through various sources such as search engines, online news platforms, or databases by using the article's title and relevant keywords.