_______________ occurs when a person internationally uses drug improperly.

A side affect
Drug misuse***
Drug synergism
Drug abuse


It was Drug Abuse, but the other question was right!

I think you mean "intentionally."

Yes, Drug misuse is correct.

Yup sorry for spelling error! Anyway thx a bunch! I have no clue what Id do with out u!! Thxs!!!!

I could argue that drug misuse is correct -- but there's a fine line between the two.

Drug misuse is when they unintentionally take the drug improperly.

The correct answer is "Drug misuse."

To arrive at the answer, we can break down the question and the answer choices provided:

1. The question asks for what occurs when a person internationally uses a drug improperly. This suggests that we are looking for a term that describes the act of using a drug incorrectly.

2. Let's examine each answer choice:

- "A side effect": While using a drug improperly can certainly lead to side effects, this answer choice does not specifically address the act of improper drug use.

- "Drug synergism": Drug synergism refers to a situation where the combined effect of two or more drugs is greater than the sum of their individual effects. This answer choice is unrelated to the question.

- "Drug abuse": While drug abuse involves the misuse of a drug, it typically refers to excessive, compulsive, or harmful patterns of drug use. The term "drug misuse" is more specific and fits better in the context of improperly using a drug.

- "Drug misuse": This answer choice directly addresses the question, describing the act of using a drug improperly.

By comparing the answer choices, we can see that "Drug misuse" is the most appropriate term that describes using a drug improperly.