Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly?

A.) When you get there, you will see him, of course.

B.) Hey, Chris, do you want to watch the game on TV tonight?

C.) Needless to say, nobody thought that her joke was particularly funny.

D.) The story was, far too long and way too dull, in my opinion.

Answer: B

Thank you

No, sorry.

No, sorry.

The question reads, "Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly?" B and C are both correctly punctuated.

I didn't notice at first that the questions changed from incorrectly to correctly - and writeacher I never purposely guess...I may rush but I do try my best...I think it's D because of the "and"

writeacher will you please delete all the questions between you and I ...I would appreciate it. thanks

To determine which sentence is punctuated incorrectly, you can analyze the punctuation usage in each option. Here is a breakdown of each sentence:

A.) When you get there, you will see him, of course.
This sentence is correctly punctuated. It includes commas to separate the introductory phrase "When you get there" and the additional phrase "of course" at the end.

B.) Hey, Chris, do you want to watch the game on TV tonight?
This sentence is punctuated correctly. The commas are used to set off the name "Chris" as an appositive, providing additional information about who the speaker is addressing.

C.) Needless to say, nobody thought that her joke was particularly funny.
This sentence is correctly punctuated. The commas are used to set off the introductory phrase "Needless to say."

D.) The story was, far too long and way too dull, in my opinion.
This sentence is punctuated incorrectly. It uses unnecessary commas to separate the adjective phrases "far too long" and "way too dull" from the subject "The story." The correct punctuation would be: "The story was far too long and way too dull, in my opinion."

Therefore, the incorrect punctuation is in Option D.