In both "Miracles" and "in Just—," the poets use images that appeal to the senses. In a paragraph, compare the use of imagery in the two poems. First, present images in each poem that appeal to the senses of sight, sound, and touch. Then, state at least one way in which the imagery in the two poems is different and one way that it is the same. Include details from the poems in your paragraph.

In "in Just-" says "When the world is puddle wonderful, the queer old balloon man whistles far and wee." And in "Miracles" it says "Or wade with naked feet along the beach just in the edge of the water". They both paint a picture of it as if it were in real life. But they are different because It is impossible for a man to be picked up by balloons. So it is less realistic then "In Just-"

I honestly couldn't tell you, but just don't listen to the people telling you not to cheat, like scarletwolf. Probably trying to cheat as well. If you respond to this post in under 2 hours, I can give you all of the answers to the closed book portion of the test.

The questions are in different orders. So for someone Question 5# would actually be Question 10# for the other person. If you want the correct answers you would have to type out the full questions and the full answers (word for word, not just "5-B" or "7-A") So no one can really cheat if the person just does the Number-Answer method. Don't trust people online, if you want to cheat, do it right. Make sure there are people saying whether or not the person is right, otherwise you're setting yourself up for failure. It's your fault, and you have no right to blame them and think people will take you seriously. Plus, you're the one cheating, which means you're doing something horrible as well, therefore you shouldn't complain about people being so "bad" because they gave you one wrong answer.

I know this is long and doesn't really have anything to do with this question, but I just wanted to get that out there. You can't expect that people are going to be 100% correct online. It's just the way it is, and YOU decide if you want to trust that person or not.

I just need clarification on it


i just have no words

The test changes for every person dont bother cheating.

I need the Answer ASAP or else I'll fail please help me please


You simply can't cheat on the closed book (I'VE TRIED LOL) they switch the answers so that doesn't happen no test are the same.

Y'all are annoying as hell LMAO. We are in a global pandemic, the vast majority of us cannot focus enough to memorize everything in as much detail as the test acts. You're not doing anything by giving the wrong answers, you're just being very annoying.