How to find the perimeter of a 10 step staircase



To find the perimeter of a 10-step staircase, you first need to determine the dimensions of each step. Assuming that all steps have the same dimensions, you then multiply the dimensions by the number of steps to calculate the total perimeter.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Measure the length and width of a single step. Let's say the length of the step is 2 feet, and the width is 1 foot.

2. Calculate the total length of the top edge (front) of all steps. Since there are 10 steps, multiply the length of a single step (2 feet) by the number of steps (10):

Total length = Length of a single step × Number of steps
= 2 feet × 10
= 20 feet

3. Calculate the total length of the side edge (width) of all steps. Again, since there are 10 steps, multiply the width of a single step (1 foot) by the number of steps:

Total width = Width of a single step × Number of steps
= 1 foot × 10
= 10 feet

4. Finally, calculate the perimeter of the staircase by summing up the total top length and total side width:

Perimeter = Total length + Total width
= 20 feet + 10 feet
= 30 feet

Therefore, the perimeter of a 10-step staircase with steps measuring 2 feet in length and 1 foot in width is 30 feet.