What were obstacles that Mo'ne Davis had to overcome?

To find out about the obstacles that Mo'ne Davis had to overcome, you can start by conducting a search on the internet using a search engine like Google. Here is how you can do it:

1. Open a web browser and go to www.google.com or any other search engine of your choice.
2. In the search bar, type "obstacles Mo'ne Davis had to overcome" and hit the Enter key or click on the search button.

This search query will provide you with various sources such as articles, interviews, and news stories that discuss the challenges she faced. By clicking on these sources, you can find detailed information about the obstacles she encountered throughout her career.

However, if you are looking for a general list of obstacles that Mo'ne Davis had to overcome, here are a few examples:

1. Gender Bias: Mo'ne Davis faced gender bias and stereotypes as she pursued baseball, which is traditionally seen as a male-dominated sport.
2. Media Attention: As a young athlete, she became the center of media attention, which brought its own set of pressures and challenges.
3. High Expectations: Davis set high standards for herself, and with her success, the expectations only grew higher, putting additional pressure on her to perform.
4. Balancing Academics and Athletics: Like many student-athletes, she had to juggle the demands of her education while competing in sports at a high level.

Remember, the obstacles faced by Mo'ne Davis may vary depending on the source, so it's always a good idea to explore multiple sources for a comprehensive understanding.

She's a black female.
