I have to do this ethos, pathos, & logos research project. What would Samsung & Land rover be?

Samsung is an electronics company.

Land Rover is a vehicle.

Is your project supposed to be composed of ads for these products?

Samsung and Land Rover are objects, not means of persuasion.

To determine the ethos, pathos, and logos of Samsung and Land Rover for your research project, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concepts: Ethos, pathos, and logos are persuasive appeals commonly used in rhetoric. They are techniques that help speakers or writers persuade their audience. Here's a brief explanation of each:
- Ethos: This appeal focuses on establishing credibility, trustworthiness, and expertise. It emphasizes the speaker or writer's character, reputation, or authority on the subject.
- Pathos: This appeal targets the emotions and feelings of the audience, aiming to evoke certain reactions or empathetic responses.
- Logos: This appeal relies on logic, reason, evidence, and facts to support an argument or persuade the audience.

2. Research Samsung: Start by gathering information about Samsung, a multinational conglomerate known for its electronics and technology products. Explore their history, mission statements, core values, and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Look for instances where they emphasize credibility, expertise, trust, or ethical practices (ethos). Also, identify any emotional appeals they use in their advertisements or marketing campaigns (pathos). Additionally, examine how Samsung employs data, scientific evidence, or logical arguments to support its products or claims (logos).

3. Research Land Rover: Similarly, gather information about Land Rover, a luxury car manufacturer recognized for its off-road capabilities. Look into their brand identity, values, and reputation. Identify how they establish credibility or expertise in the automotive industry (ethos). Examine their advertisements or promotional materials for emotional appeals that target the desire for adventure, luxury, or prestige (pathos). Additionally, assess the logical reasoning provided in terms of the features, specifications, and performance of their vehicles (logos).

4. Analyze the findings: Once you have completed your research, evaluate the collected information for instances of ethos, pathos, and logos applied by Samsung and Land Rover. Make note of specific examples for each appeal.

Remember, ethos, pathos, and logos are not always mutually exclusive; they often work together to create persuasive communication. By following this research process, you will have a better understanding of how Samsung and Land Rover utilize these persuasive appeals in their branding and communication strategies.