What subsidies and welfare payments is the south african government providing and to whom ?

are usually made in cash equivalents

To find accurate and up-to-date information about subsidies and welfare payments provided by the South African government, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website of the South African government, which is www.gov.za.
2. Look for the "Departments" or "Services" section on the homepage.
3. Click on the relevant department that deals with social welfare, such as the Department of Social Development or the Department of Health.
4. Within the chosen department's webpage, search for the section related to subsidies and welfare payments. It might be titled "Social Assistance" or "Government Grants."
5. Explore the available information, which may include various types of subsidies, grants, and welfare programs.
6. Pay attention to eligibility criteria, application processes, and the specific target groups or individuals who qualify for each program. The details could vary based on age, income, disability, unemployment, or other factors.
7. Additionally, check for any recent news releases, publications, or policy documents related to subsidies and welfare payments.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research on the official government website, you should be able to gather comprehensive information about the subsidies and welfare payments provided by the South African government and the specific recipients or beneficiaries of each program.