1/sinx - sinx = cosx/tanx

To solve the equation 1/sin(x) - sin(x) = cos(x)/tan(x), we need to manipulate the equation to express all trigonometric functions in terms of a single trigonometric function, like sin(x). Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by finding a common denominator for the left-hand side of the equation. The common denominator of sin(x) is sin(x)*cos(x).

(1/sin(x)) - sin(x) = cos(x)/tan(x)
[(1 - sin^2(x))/sin(x)] = cos(x)/tan(x)

2. Simplify the left-hand side by using the Pythagorean identity sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1.

[(cos^2(x))/sin(x)] = cos(x)/tan(x)

3. Now, rewrite the left-hand side using the definition of tan(x) as sin(x)/cos(x).

[cos^2(x)/(sin(x)/cos(x))] = cos(x)/tan(x)

4. Simplify further by multiplying the numerator and denominator of the left-hand side by cos(x).

[cos^3(x)/sin(x)] = cos(x)/tan(x)

5. Since the denominators on both sides of the equation are the same, we can now equate the numerators.

cos^3(x) = sin(x) * cos(x)

6. Divide both sides of the equation by cos(x).

cos^2(x) = sin(x)

7. Rewrite sin(x) as 1/csc(x).

cos^2(x) = 1/csc(x)

8. Take the reciprocal of both sides of the equation.

csc(x) = 1/cos^2(x)

9. Rewrite csc(x) as 1/sin(x).

1/sin(x) = 1/cos^2(x)

10. Using the definition of tan(x) as sin(x)/cos(x), we can rewrite the right-hand side of the equation.

1/sin(x) = cos(x)/cos^2(x)

11. Simplify the equation.

1/sin(x) = cos(x)/cos^2(x)
1/sin(x) = 1/cos(x)

12. Since the denominators on both sides of the equation are the same, we can now equate the numerators.

1 = sin(x)

So, the solution to the equation 1/sin(x) - sin(x) = cos(x)/tan(x) is x = pi*n, where n is an integer.

if you set the left side over a common denominator of sinx, you have

1/sinx - sin^2x/sinx
(1-sin^2 x)/sinx

If that does not get you started, I don't know what will...