which of the following are you most likely to find in a science fiction novel such as The Giver?

A. People living in a futuristic environment where rules lead them to act differently than is commonly accepted now.
B. Characters from the distant past achieving great things and impacting history.
C. Factual information about laws of the universe by notes scientists.
D. True stories about young people who undertake heroic actions.
Is the answer B?
Thank you


A is right.



It's A

Hitler is 100%

good job @Hitler hater we hate him.


Hitler you doosh!


However, thanks for answers you doosh

No, the answer is not B. In a science fiction novel such as The Giver, you are most likely to find option A: people living in a futuristic environment where rules lead them to act differently than is commonly accepted now.

To arrive at this answer, it's important to understand the genre of science fiction. Science fiction typically takes place in the future or in alternative worlds and explores scientific and technological advancements, their effects on society, and the potential consequences of these advancements. The Giver is set in a future dystopian society where rules and regulations heavily dictate how people live their lives. The story delves into themes of conformity, freedom, and individuality.

Option B refers to characters from the distant past achieving great things and impacting history. While this concept can be present in other genres, it is not a common characteristic of science fiction novels.

Option C, factual information about laws of the universe by notes scientists, may be present in science fiction novels but is not a defining characteristic. Science fiction novels often feature fictional scientific concepts, technologies, or future societies that may not necessarily align with our current understanding of the laws of the universe.

Option D, true stories about young people who undertake heroic actions, may be found in different genres, such as adventure or coming-of-age, but it is not a defining characteristic of science fiction novels.

Therefore, option A is the most likely to be found in a science fiction novel such as The Giver.