As x increases by 2 units, y increases by 3 units.

I'm sorry, but what kind of question is this? Is it a true or false, solve, ect?.

2 Carla bought a dress at a sale for 20% off the original price. The sale price of the dress was $28.80. Find the original price of the dress, in dollars.

To understand how x and y are related, we can interpret this information as a linear equation. Let's assume that the initial value of x is x₀ and the initial value of y is y₀. When x increases by 2 units, it becomes x₀ + 2, and when y increases by 3 units, it becomes y₀ + 3.

Therefore, the equation can be represented as:

y = mx + c

where m is the slope of the line and c is the y-intercept. From the given information, we can see that for every increase of 2 units in x, there's an increase of 3 units in y. This means that the slope (m) is 3/2.

So, the equation becomes:

y = (3/2)x + c

To find the y-intercept (c), we need a specific point on the line. Let's use the initial values of x and y, which are x₀ and y₀, respectively:

y₀ = (3/2)x₀ + c

Now, let's rearrange the equation to solve for c:

c = y₀ - (3/2)x₀

So, with these values, we have determined the equation that relates x and y:

y = (3/2)x + (y₀ - (3/2)x₀)

This equation can be used to find the value of y for any given value of x or vice versa.