Which of the following does not reduce water pollution?

a) cleaning up oil and gasoline spills.

b) reducing pollutants such as pesticides and fertilizers.

c) increasing the use of gasoline.***

d) properly treating waste water

Can you please check my answer?


Sure! To determine which of the following options does not reduce water pollution, we can analyze each option:

a) Cleaning up oil and gasoline spills: This option helps reduce water pollution as it involves removing harmful substances from the water.

b) Reducing pollutants such as pesticides and fertilizers: This option also helps in reducing water pollution as it involves minimizing the input of harmful chemicals into the water.

c) Increasing the use of gasoline: This option, however, does not help reduce water pollution. Increased gasoline usage would mainly contribute to air pollution (through emissions) rather than directly impacting water quality.

d) Properly treating wastewater: This option helps in reducing water pollution as it involves treating wastewater to remove contaminants before releasing it back into the environment.

From the analysis above, option c) increasing the use of gasoline, does not reduce water pollution. Therefore, your answer of c) is correct.

Well done!