what is the total commission of 14% on a $3000 sale??

0.14 * 3,000 = ?

420? ms. sue?

Yes. It's $420.

Please use the same name for your posts.

oh I am amy's brother ms. sue

To calculate the total commission on a $3000 sale at a rate of 14%, you need to multiply the sale amount by the commission rate.

Here's the step-by-step calculation:

1. Convert the commission rate from a percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 14% is equal to 0.14.

2. Multiply the sale amount by the commission rate to find the commission amount. For a $3000 sale, the calculation would be: $3000 * 0.14 = $420.

Therefore, the total commission on a $3000 sale at a 14% commission rate is $420.