In “Ulysses,” the speaker declares,“I am a part of all that I have met:/Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough/Gleams that untraveled world, whose margin fades/Forever and forever when I move” (lines 18-21). What does this quotation tell readers about what Ulysses is thinking?

It tells that all of her experiences have made her who she is and every time she experience something it becomes a doorway to some further experience.


I'd advise that you read the poem. Either you are confused or I am. I always thought Ulysses was a man.

Oh yeah sorry , it is a man .. Ima write his name though


I'm going to .. LOL

This quotation from "Ulysses" by Alfred Lord Tennyson provides insight into what Ulysses is thinking. Here's how you can analyze and understand the meaning of this quotation:

1. Context: "Ulysses" is a dramatic monologue in which the Greek hero Ulysses reflects on his past adventures and his desire for one more grand voyage.

2. Line-by-line analysis:
a. "I am a part of all that I have met": This line suggests that Ulysses believes his experiences and encounters with different people and places have shaped and defined him. He feels connected to all the individuals he has encountered throughout his life.
b. "Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough": Here, Ulysses uses a metaphor to describe experience as an arch or gateway.
c. "Gleams that untraveled world, whose margin fades": Ulysses suggests that each experience opens up a glimpse into a yet unexplored world, full of new opportunities and adventures. However, the margin, or the boundary, of this untraveled world fades as Ulysses moves forward.
d. "Forever and forever when I move": This line emphasizes that as Ulysses continues to move and seek new experiences, each one becomes an endless cycle of discovery, always leading to something new.

3. Interpretation: From this quotation, readers can gather that Ulysses is a character who is constantly seeking new experiences and adventures. He believes that every encounter he has had has contributed to shaping his identity. He sees every experience as a door leading to new and unexplored possibilities, and he is motivated by the idea of continuously moving forward into the unknown.

Please note that the interpretation of a literary work can vary, and it is always important to consider the context and other aspects of the text to gain a comprehensive understanding.