Identify all sums, products, and factors in the expression (x+5)(y+9) +(2+x)(y+23)

To find the sums, products, and factors in the expression (x+5)(y+9) + (2+x)(y+23), we need to simplify it first.

First, let's expand each term using the distributive property:

(x+5)(y+9) = xy + 9x + 5y + 45
(2+x)(y+23) = 2y + 46 + xy + 23x

Now, we can combine like terms:

xy + 9x + 5y + 45 + 2y + 46 + xy + 23x

Group the similar terms together:

xy + xy + 9x + 23x + 5y + 2y + 45 + 46

Combine the like terms:

2xy + 32x + 7y + 91

Now that we have simplified the expression, we can identify the sums, products, and factors.

The sums in the expression are the terms that are added together. In this case, the sums are:
32x + 7y + 91

The products in the expression are the terms that result from multiplying two or more variables or numbers together. In this case, the products are:

The factors in the expression are the variables or numbers that are multiplied together to obtain a product. In this case, the factors are:
2, x, and y

So, the sums in the expression are 32x + 7y + 91, the products are 2xy, and the factors are 2, x, and y.

idk i need helppppp

sums are terms separated by + or - signs

products consist of two or more factors multiplied.

So, what do you say?