parliament democracy is the form of democracy where citizens have the most power of their government right?


In a parliamentary democracy, citizens elect representatives to a parliament, which is the primary governing body. While citizens do have the power to elect their representatives, it's not necessarily accurate to say that they have the most power in their government.

In a parliamentary system, the executive branch is typically led by a prime minister who is chosen from the majority party or coalition in parliament. The prime minister and their cabinet are responsible for implementing and executing policies, while the parliament holds the power to pass laws and scrutinize the government's actions.

So, while citizens have the power to elect their representatives, legislative power is concentrated in the parliament rather than directly in the hands of the citizens. The extent to which citizens can influence their government can also vary depending on the specific country's political system and electoral process.

If you want to determine the power distribution in different forms of democracy, it's crucial to research the specific features of each system and the roles and powers of different branches and institutions within them.