Interpreting during the listening process is the same as:

A. encoding.
B. receiving.
C. decoding.
D. responding.
It's not C

Again, F for you! What is YOUR answer?

Its A

To determine the correct answer, analyze the given options and their definitions:

A. Encoding: This refers to the process of transforming information into a format that can be stored and transmitted.

B. Receiving: This is the act of perceiving and obtaining information through the senses.

C. Decoding: This refers to the process of interpreting and transforming received information into understandable meaning.

D. Responding: This involves providing a reaction or answer to the received information.

Based on the given definitions, it is clear that interpreting during the listening process is tied to deciphering or understanding the received information, which aligns with the concept of decoding. Therefore, the correct answer is C. decoding.