For science fair project interview from an expert:

1. How much should my time improve in 30 days running a mile?
2. Will the type of shoe I wear affect my running time?
3. How will the weather affect my time?
4. Do different track surfaces affect my time?
5 What can I do to improve my short distance time?
6. Any foods I should avoid? Any foods I should eat?
7. What are the long term benefits if I keep running?
8. Any other advice?

Jiskha doesn't have any physical education experts.

And how on earth do you interview FROM an e? It makes no sense at all.

To gather information for your science fair project, you can interview an expert in the field of running or sports science. Here are some guidelines on how to approach each question and how to find the answers:

1. How much should my time improve in 30 days running a mile?
To answer this question, the expert can provide general information about average improvements in running performance over a given time period. They can also discuss factors such as training intensity, duration, and consistency. To find an expert, reach out to local running coaches, trainers, or even professional runners who may be willing to share their insights.

2. Will the type of shoe I wear affect my running time?
The expert can explain how different shoe designs and features can impact running performance, such as cushioning, support, and weight. They can also suggest conducting experiments by comparing the performance of different shoe types or by researching existing studies on the topic.

3. How will the weather affect my time?
Weather conditions can affect running performance due to factors like temperature, humidity, and wind. An expert can explain the various ways weather can impact running and advise on strategies such as adapting training, pre-race preparation, or selecting specific gear. Meteorologists or sports scientists specializing in exercise physiology can provide valuable insights.

4. Do different track surfaces affect my time?
Different track surfaces can have an impact on running performance. An expert can discuss how variations in track materials (e.g., asphalt, rubber, grass) or conditions (e.g., dry, wet) can affect running speed, fatigue, and injury risk. They can also recommend athletic trainers or biomechanics experts who can offer in-depth analysis or access to research in this area.

5. What can I do to improve my short distance time?
The expert can provide training and conditioning suggestions tailored to improving short-distance running times. They may discuss speed drills, interval training, proper warm-up routines, strength exercises, and optimizing running technique. Local running coaches, trainers, or experienced runners can offer valuable advice and personalized training plans.

6. Any foods I should avoid? Any foods I should eat?
An expert in sports nutrition can discuss the role of nutrition in running performance. They can provide general advice on balanced diets, appropriate calorie intake, hydration, and the importance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) for energy and muscle recovery. It's essential to consult a registered dietitian with expertise in sports nutrition for more personalized information.

7. What are the long-term benefits if I keep running?
The expert can explain the potential long-term benefits of running, such as improvements in cardiovascular health, endurance, muscle tone, bone density, mental well-being, and weight management. They may discuss how running can contribute to a healthy lifestyle and potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Reviewing scientific studies on the effects of running can further support their insights.

8. Any other advice?
The expert may offer additional tips, such as maintaining a consistent training regimen, setting realistic goals, gradually increasing intensity, and incorporating rest days for recovery. They can also suggest joining local running clubs, participating in races, or seeking guidance from experienced runners who can share their own experiences and knowledge.

Remember, contacting professionals, conducting experiments, and reviewing relevant research are excellent ways to gather accurate and reliable information for your science fair project.