Which of the following illustrates conduction as a mode of heat transfer?

a) A microwave oven produces electromagnetic waves that transfer to the food in the form of heat***
b) leaving a metal spoon in a bowl of hot soup will make the spoon hot as well
c) Pasta rises and falls with the current in boiling water
d) a campfire emits light waves

Which kind of magma produces a quiet volcanic eruption?

a) magma that is rich in silica
b) magma that is fluid
c) magma that is low in iron
d) magma that is low in silica ***

to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, a seismologist must determine all of the following except...

a) the difference between arrival times of P and S waves
b) seismographic data from the seismograph locations *** idk
c) the distance from the epicenter to at least three different seismographic locations
d) the intensity of the earthquake

Maggie, that's a little rude

@TiffenyLPS So true

I think the 3rd one is A

microwave is RADIATION

spoon is soup is conduction
pasta moving is convection
light waves is radiation

I know nothing about magma but would pick liquid for minimal noise

Do not need intensity as far as I know, triangulate using arrival times of waves.

umm.... so am I correct?

Ms. Sue can you help?

Damon told you the answer for 1.

I don't know the other answers.

Damon also gave you hints about the other answers.

these are questions 9,15, and 14 btw in that order.