I need help finding the BP ages of :

(when the present year is 1950)
Giant Sequoia tree rings from California. Date: 979 ± 52 years BCE

Cedar of Lebanon fragments from funeral boat of Egyptian King Sesostris III. Date: 1843 ± 50 years BC

and the BP dates of:
(assuming this is 1999)
Pleistocene mammoth bone from La Brea Tar Pits of Los Angeles, California. Age: 12,200 ± 35 years

Cottage roof timber from Ireland. Date: 906 ± 35 years

1950 - 979 = 971 BP

Calculate the others the same way.

oh sorry that one is BCE the first question

1950 + 979 = 2929

1950 + 1843 = 3793

Pleistocene mammoth bone from La Brea Tar Pits of Los Angeles, California. Age: 12,200 ± 35 years

To calculate the BP (Before Present) ages for the given dates, you will need to make some adjustments based on the present year. Here's how you can find the BP ages for each of the given dates:

1. Giant Sequoia tree rings from California. Date: 979 ± 52 years BCE
To calculate the BP age for this date, subtract the year BCE (979) from the present year (1950). The result will be the approximate number of years before the present. Since this date is BCE, you need to subtract it from the present year. Here's the calculation: 1950 - 979 = 971. The BP age for the Giant Sequoia tree rings is approximately 971 years.

2. Cedar of Lebanon fragments from the funeral boat of Egyptian King Sesostris III. Date: 1843 ± 50 years BC
Similar to the previous example, you need to subtract the year BC (1843) from the present year (1950). Here's the calculation: 1950 - 1843 = 107. The BP age for the Cedar of Lebanon fragments is approximately 107 years.

3. Pleistocene mammoth bone from La Brea Tar Pits of Los Angeles, California. Age: 12,200 ± 35 years
For this date, the given age is already in years before the present (BP). Therefore, you don't need to make any adjustments. The BP age for the Pleistocene mammoth bone is 12,200 years.

4. Cottage roof timber from Ireland. Date: 906 ± 35 years
Again, you need to subtract the given date (906) from the present year (1950). Here's the calculation: 1950 - 906 = 1044. The BP age for the cottage roof timber is approximately 1044 years.

Remember, the BP age is always calculated by comparing the given date to the present year.