Hi! Can someone check my answers? Thanks!!

Directions: Tell whether the following questions are either permutations or combinations.

1.) Number of ways the Junior class can elect a committee of officers - President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. (my answer: combinations)

2.) Number of three-digit pin numbers for a debit card. (my answer: permutations)

3.) Number of different arrangements of three types of flowers from an array of 20 types. (my answer: permutations)

4.) Number of ways 10 people can line up in a row for concert tickets. (my answer: combinations)

#1 Permutations, since each office is unique. If just selecting a committee, then it'd be combinations, since the member roles are all the same.

#2,3 ok
#4 is also permutations, since the order in line matters.

1.) Your answer is incorrect. The number of ways the Junior class can elect a committee of officers - President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer is a permutation. This is because the order matters, and each position is distinct.

2.) Your answer is correct. The number of three-digit pin numbers for a debit card is a permutation. This is because the order of the digits matters, and repetition is not allowed.

3.) Your answer is incorrect. The number of different arrangements of three types of flowers from an array of 20 types is a combination. This is because the order does not matter, and we are choosing a subset of flowers.

4.) Your answer is correct. The number of ways 10 people can line up in a row for concert tickets is a permutation. This is because the order of the people matters, and repetition is not allowed.

Sure! I'd be happy to check your answers and explain why each question is a permutation or combination.

1.) Number of ways the Junior class can elect a committee of officers - President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. (your answer: combinations)

Explanation: This question involves selecting a group of people for different positions within the committee, without regard to the order in which they are selected. Since the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are distinct, the order doesn't matter. Therefore, your answer of "combinations" is correct.

2.) Number of three-digit pin numbers for a debit card. (your answer: permutations)

Explanation: In this question, you need to consider the order of the digits in the pin numbers. Each digit can be selected from the numbers 0-9, and repetition is allowed. Since the order matters (for example, 123 is different from 321), the correct answer would be "permutations."

3.) Number of different arrangements of three types of flowers from an array of 20 types. (your answer: permutations)

Explanation: This question involves arranging three different types of flowers from a set of 20 types, without repetition. The order in which the flowers are arranged matters in this case. For example, if you have types A, B, and C, arranging them as ABC is different from arranging them as BAC. Therefore, the correct answer would be "permutations."

4.) Number of ways 10 people can line up in a row for concert tickets. (your answer: combinations)

Explanation: In this question, you need to select people to form a line for the concert tickets, without regard to the order in which they are selected. Since the only requirement is selecting 10 people, the order doesn't matter here. Therefore, the correct answer would be "combinations."

Overall, your answers are correct! You correctly identified question 1 and question 4 as combinations, and question 2 and question 3 as permutations. Great job!