There are 45 questions in a Mathematics quizbee. For every correct answer, 5 marks are awarded and 3 marks for every wrong answer. If sofia scored 185 points, how many questions did she answer wrongly.

Let x be the number of questions Sofia answered correctly.

The number of questions Sofia answered wrongly would be 45 - x.
For each correct answer, Sofia gets 5 marks and for each wrong answer, she gets 3 marks.
Therefore, Sofia's total score would be 5x (for correct answers) + 3(45 - x) (for wrong answers).
We are given that Sofia scored 185 points.
So, we can write the equation: 5x + 3(45 - x) = 185.
Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x.

To determine how many questions Sofia answered wrongly, we need to find the total number of questions she answered correctly and incorrectly.

Let's assume Sofia answered x questions correctly.
Therefore, she answered (45 - x) questions wrongly.

For each correct answer, Sofia receives 5 marks, so the total marks for correct answers would be 5x.
Similarly, for each wrong answer, she receives 3 marks, so the total marks for wrong answers would be 3(45 - x).

Given that Sofia scored 185 points, we can set up the following equation:

5x + 3(45 - x) = 185

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of x:

5x + 135 - 3x = 185
2x + 135 = 185
2x = 185 - 135
2x = 50
x = 50 / 2
x = 25

Therefore, Sofia answered 25 questions correctly.

To find the number of questions she answered wrongly, we subtract the number of correct answers from the total number of questions:

45 - 25 = 20

So, Sofia answered 20 questions wrongly.



Are you certain on the getting 3 marks for every wrong answer? That is an odd way of scoring a math quiz.
