Picture: Contemporary Retro Molded Black

Accent Plastic Dining Armchair with Wood
Eiffel Legs its the first picture in google.
This wooden and plastic chair design by Ray
and Charles Eames communicates a a sense
of which artistic charateristic?
A. Balance
B. Rhythm
C. Color
D. Creativity
Is the answer A?

I agree.

Thank you sooo much Ms.Sue :)

I also think its right since you copied my question. And changed the answer.


Well I just took it and the answer is A. You just copied my question on two questions instead of just reading what the post said.

Was the other one D? :(

I never meant to offend you, I was unsure:'(

To determine the artistic characteristic that the chair design by Ray and Charles Eames communicates, we need to analyze the elements of the chair and its aesthetic properties.

Looking at the description, we can find clues about the design elements of the chair. It is described as a contemporary retro molded black accent plastic dining armchair with wood Eiffel legs. This suggests a combination of materials and styles.

To analyze the artistic characteristics, let's consider each option and see if it matches the chair design:

A. Balance: Balance refers to the distribution of visual weight in a composition. However, without visual reference or more information about the chair design, it is difficult to determine if balance plays a significant role in this particular design.

B. Rhythm: Rhythm refers to the repetition of visual elements to create a sense of movement or flow. While the chair may have some lines or patterns, it is hard to determine if rhythm is a key characteristic of this design.

C. Color: The chair is primarily described as black, which doesn't give us much information about its color scheme. Therefore, it is unlikely that color is the main artistic characteristic being communicated.

D. Creativity: Creativity refers to the originality and innovative nature of a design. Since Ray and Charles Eames were known for their innovative and iconic chair designs, it is plausible to consider creativity as an artistic characteristic communicated by their works.

Based on the description and the context of the chair design by Ray and Charles Eames, it is more reasonable to argue that the chair communicates a sense of creativity (option D) rather than balance, rhythm, or color. Therefore, the answer is D.