1) Solve the equation for p. Identify any extraneous solutions. √p=-1

A) -1 is a solution of the original equation. 1 is an extraneous solution.
B) 1 is a solution of the original equation.
C) 1 is a solution of the original equation. -1 is an extraneous solution.
D) There is no real solution.

If this helps, the p is only covered by the square root sign, and the = sign and -1 is not covered. Thank you so much for any help, since I am confused about this problem.

Is the answer D?

Good answer. By definition, √p is positive.

In fact 1 is an extraneous solution.

To solve the equation √p = -1 and identify any extraneous solutions, we need to isolate p and then check if the obtained solution is valid.

Step 1: Square both sides of the equation:
(√p)^2 = (-1)^2
p = 1

Step 2: Substitute the obtained value of p (p = 1) back into the original equation to check for extraneous solutions:
√(1) = -1

Since the square root of a number is always non-negative, there are no real solutions for p in this equation. Therefore, the correct answer is:

D) There is no real solution.