PLEASE HELP! what is a likely reason that india supported east pakistan's effort to gain independence from pakistan?

1. East pakistan agreed with india's policy of nonalignment
2. India and Pakistan were in conflict
3. East pakistan was close to india's large cities
4. India's population was mostly hindu

i would say the answer is 1 any help?

i changed my answer to 2

1 is not the answer.

2 is correct.

To determine the likely reason that India supported East Pakistan's effort to gain independence from Pakistan, we can analyze each option and eliminate those that are unlikely or not relevant.

1. East Pakistan agreed with India's policy of nonalignment: This reason could be a possibility as India followed a policy of nonalignment, which means it did not align itself with any major powers during the Cold War. If East Pakistan shared this philosophy, India might have been more inclined to support them.

2. India and Pakistan were in conflict: India and Pakistan have had a long history of conflict, including the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, which resulted in the independence of East Pakistan as Bangladesh. Therefore, this reason could be relevant and is worth considering.

3. East Pakistan was close to India's large cities: This reason might hold some weight, as proximity often affects relationships between countries. If East Pakistan's independence would have had a direct impact on India's larger cities, India may have been more likely to support their cause.

4. India's population was mostly Hindu: While religion does play a role in international relations, it is not necessarily a determining factor in this case. East Pakistan had a majority Muslim population, so India's predominant Hindu population might not have been the primary reason for their support.

Upon evaluating the options, the most credible reason for India's support is the second option: India and Pakistan were in conflict. The historical animosity between the two countries, combined with the opportunity to weaken Pakistan by supporting East Pakistan's independence, likely contributed to India's support. However, it is important to consider that the situation may have been influenced by a combination of these factors rather than only one.