Describe how the body grows over childhood and adolescence.

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nvm i figured it out

The body undergoes a remarkable transformation during childhood and adolescence as it grows and develops. Here is a description of how the body grows during these stages:

1. Infancy (0-2 years): This is a period of rapid growth. Babies double their birth weight by 5 months and triple it by their first birthday. In addition, there is significant growth in height as babies gain inches during the first two years.

2. Childhood (2-6 years): Growth continues at a steady but slower pace. Children gain weight and height steadily but not as dramatically as in infancy. During this stage, motor skills develop rapidly, allowing children to engage in physical activities like running, jumping, and climbing.

3. Puberty: Puberty is a period of rapid growth and development that typically occurs between the ages of 8-14 in girls and 10-16 in boys. Hormonal changes trigger physical changes, including an increase in height, development of secondary sexual characteristics (breast development in girls, facial hair growth in boys), and changes in body composition.

4. Adolescence: Adolescence is the stage between puberty and adulthood. While growth in height slows down, there is still some growth in both height and weight. During this stage, there may be individual variations in growth patterns influenced by genetics, nutrition, and overall health.

To better understand the specific growth patterns and milestones for a child or teenager, doctors and healthcare providers utilize growth charts, which track weight, height, and other body measurements over time. These charts help identify any unusual growth patterns or potential health issues that may need to be addressed. It's important to note that growth rates can vary among individuals, and it's crucial to have regular check-ups with healthcare professionals to monitor growth and development.