A woman works out by running and swimming. When she runs, she burns 7 calories per minute. When she swims, she burns 8 calories per minute. She wants to burn at least 336 calories in her workout. Write an inequality that describes the situation. Let x represent the number of minutes running and y the number of minutes swimming. Because x and y must be positive, limit the boarders to quadrant I only.


Sn: 1^2+...+(3n-2)^2 = n(6n^2-3n-1)/2

S1: 1^2 = 1(6*1^2-3(1)-1)/2

S2: 1^2+4^2 = 2(6*2^2-3*2-1)/2

S3: 1^2+4^2+7^2 = 3(6*3^2-3*3-1)/2

There all true but I don't know the induction for this

I do not have time

in your previous question, the determinant of the 3 by 3 coef matric is zero, can not solve.

Oh okay thank you so much

Your inequality is correct. I have no idea what meaning of the rest is.

Think on a graph x,y, quadrant 1.

all the area inside the triangle boardered by x axis, y axis, and the line 8x+7y=335, the region inside is not an allowable solution. On the line, and outside the triangle, any point is allowed and is a solution. Thus, 2000,4000 is an allowable solution, whereas 2,5 is not.

Thank you!

To understand the induction for the given series, let's break it down step by step.

We have the series Sn: 1^2 + 4^2 + ... + (3n-2)^2. Our goal is to prove that this series can be expressed as n(6n^2-3n-1)/2.

First, we will show that the formula holds for the base case n=1:
Sn: 1^2 = 1(6*1^2-3*1-1)/2
1 = 1(6-3-1)/2
1 = 1(2)/2
1 = 1

Since the formula is true for n=1, we move on to the second step of induction, which is to assume that the formula holds for a certain value of n, and then prove it holds for the next value (n+1).

Assuming the formula holds for some value k:
Sk: 1^2 + 4^2 + ... + (3k-2)^2 = k(6k^2-3k-1)/2

Now, let's prove that the formula holds for the next value (k+1):
S(k+1): 1^2 + 4^2 + ... + (3(k+1)-2)^2 = (k+1)(6(k+1)^2-3(k+1)-1)/2

Expanding the equation on the left side:
S(k+1): S(k) + (3(k+1)-2)^2

Replacing S(k) with the assumed formula:
S(k+1): k(6k^2-3k-1)/2 + (3(k+1)-2)^2

Simplifying the equation on the right side:
S(k+1): k(6k^2-3k-1)/2 + (3k+1)^2

Expanding and simplifying further:
S(k+1): (6k^3 - 3k^2 - k)/2 + (9k^2 + 6k + 1)

Combining like terms:
S(k+1): (6k^3 - 3k^2 + 9k^2 - k + 6k + 1)/2

S(k+1): (6k^3 + 6k^2 + 5k + 1)/2

Factoring out a common factor of 6:
S(k+1): 6(k^3 + k^2 + 5k)/2 + 1/2

S(k+1): 3(k^3 + k^2 + 5k) + 1/2

Factoring out a common factor of k:
S(k+1): 3k(k^2 + k + 5) + 1/2

Now we can see that the right side of the equation matches the form of the formula we assumed, but with n replaced by (k+1):
S(k+1): (k+1)(6(k+1)^2-3(k+1)-1)/2

Therefore, we have proved that if the formula is true for some value k, then it is also true for the next value (k+1).

By completing the base case and the induction step, we have proved that the formula n(6n^2-3n-1)/2 represents the given series Sn: 1^2 + 4^2 + ... + (3n-2)^2.