On the grid,draw and label an aquarium shaped like a rectangular prism with a volume of 8,000 cubic in. HINT A CUBE I is a rectangular prism, and 2x2x2=8


First off I feel like you're fake you're not going to give me the correct answer because honestly it looks look legit because you need a big answer for this so you should probably stop doing math because I'm going to report you.


To draw and label an aquarium shaped like a rectangular prism with a volume of 8,000 cubic inches, we can begin by understanding the dimensions required.

Since the volume of a rectangular prism is given as length × width × height, we need to find three factors whose product is 8,000. The given hint also mentions that a cube with dimensions 2x2x2 has a volume of 8 cubic inches.

Hence, one possible approach is to break down 8,000 into its prime factors, and then group them into sets of three that yield the necessary dimensions.

The prime factorization of 8,000 is:
8,000 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 5 × 5

Now, we can group these factors into sets of three to determine the dimensions for our rectangular prism:

Set 1: 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
Set 2: 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
Set 3: 2 × 5 × 5 = 50

So, the dimensions of the rectangular prism are 8 inches (length), 8 inches (width), and 50 inches (height).

To draw the aquarium on a grid, you can represent each unit on the grid as 1 inch. Start by drawing a rectangle with a length of 8 units (inches) and a width of 8 units. Then, extend upward from one corner of the rectangle, drawing a vertical line 50 units (inches) tall. Complete the shape by connecting the top of this line to the opposite corner of the rectangle, creating a rectangular prism.

Label the lengths of the sides accordingly:

Length = 8 inches
Width = 8 inches
Height = 50 inches

Note that the drawing on the grid is just a representation, and the actual proportions can vary depending on the scale used.

If you want an aquarium in shape of a cube with volume of 8000, then use the formula for volume of cube to find the length of one side:

V = s^3
s = side length
8000 = s^3
s = cuberoot(8000)
s = 20 inches

Well, if you have to draw this on a graphing paper, you should first make a scale to fit the drawing, like 1 inch = 0.5 cm, so a side length of 20 inches is equivalent to 10 cm on your graphing paper.

Hope that helps~ `u`

1000 by 8