LeanNE walks at an average speed of 3 1/3 mph. How far does she walk in 2hrs 15 minutes?

10/3 × 9/4 == 90/12 would equal
7 1/2 miles


3/8 × 5/6 = 15/48

To find the distance LeanNE walks in 2 hours 15 minutes, first convert the time to hours.

2 hours 15 minutes can be written as 2.25 hours.

Next, use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

LeanNE's average speed is 3 1/3 mph, which can also be written as 10/3 mph.

Substitute the speed and time values into the formula:

Distance = (10/3) × 2.25

Now, multiply the fraction:

Distance = 10/3 × 9/4

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators (10 × 9) and multiply the denominators (3 × 4):

Distance = 90/12

Simplify the fraction:

Distance = 7 1/2 miles

Therefore, LeanNE walks a distance of 7 1/2 miles in 2 hours and 15 minutes.