figure of kite top pointed left. Tail is point E. Segment from AB perpendicular to CD. Top side of kite is AC, bottom side is CB. I figured it ==== AC 9y-6 = 7y; I got 3 for y. So, C = 21; for (x) I got 5x+18=5x + 15 (x) = 3. So AD IS 9. AE is 5x+6y= 15+18. So AE is 33. Did I do this correctly? ????????

To verify if you have solved the problem correctly, let's go through the steps:

1. You correctly equated the lengths of the top side of the kite, AC, with the bottom side, CB: 9y-6 = 7y.
2. To solve for y, combine like terms by subtracting 7y from both sides: 9y - 7y - 6 = 0.
Simplifying this equation gives you: 2y - 6 = 0.
3. Next, add 6 to both sides of the equation: 2y = 6.
4. Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate y: y = 3.
Therefore, the value of y is indeed 3.

Now let's move on to the next part:

5. You correctly set up an equation to find the value of x by equating the lengths of segment AB and CD: 5x + 18 = 5x + 15.
6. However, when you simplify this equation, notice that the x variable cancels out: 5x - 5x = 15 - 18.
The resulting equation is: 0 = -3.
7. Since 0 cannot equal -3, this means that the equation is inconsistent. Therefore, there is no unique solution for the value of x.

Based on the previous step, it seems there may be an error in your calculations when finding the value of x.

To determine the lengths of AD and AE correctly, let's reassess the problem:

8. From step 5, we know that there is no unique solution for x. Therefore, we cannot determine the length of AD using the equation 5x + 18 = 5x + 15. It does not provide any new information.
9. To find the length of AE, use the given equation: AE = 5x + 6y.
Substitute the known values of x and y: AE = 5(3) + 6(3) = 15 + 18 = 33.
Therefore, AE is indeed 33 units long.

To summarize:
- You correctly solved for the value of y, which is 3.
- However, there is no unique solution for x based on the given equation, so the length of AD cannot be determined using the information given.
- The length of AE is indeed 33 units.