Which of the following characteristics x-ray photon emission?

(a)electron capture
(c)positron emmision

d although I don't like the word decay following gamma. Gamma rays are the result of decay of the parent atom.

To determine which of the given characteristics result in x-ray photon emission, let's analyze each option:

(a) Electron capture: In electron capture, an inner shell electron is captured by the nucleus of an atom, resulting in a change in the atomic number. This process does not typically result in the emission of x-ray photons.

(b) Beta-decay: Beta-decay involves the emission of either a beta-minus (β-) particle or a beta-plus (β+) particle from an unstable nucleus. Both of these emissions are not directly associated with x-ray photon production.

(c) Positron emission: Positron emission occurs when a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron, resulting in the emission of a positron (β+) particle. Similar to beta-decay, positron emission does not result in the production of x-ray photons.

(d) Gamma-decay: Gamma (γ)-decay is a nuclear decay process in which a nucleus transitions from an excited state to a lower energy state, emitting a gamma (γ) ray. Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation and can be considered as high-energy x-ray photons. Therefore, gamma decay is the process that leads to x-ray photon emission.

In summary, among the given options, option (d) gamma-decay is the characteristic associated with x-ray photon emission.