1. What do we have to do in case of a fire?

2. What do we have to do when a fire breaks out?
3. What do we have to do when your apartment is on fire?

4. Call 119.
5. Tell grown-ups.
6. Tell adults.
7. Use the fire extinguisher.
8. Go outside and use the stairs.
9. Go down the stairs.
10. Don't use the elevator.
11. Lower your body and go out quickly.
12. Go to the veranda, open the window and shout out.
13. Pour water on the fire.
14. Put the blanket on the fire.
15. Wake up your family and go outside lowering your body.
Are the questionsa and the statements grammatical? Correct errors, please.

#3 - "we" and "your" do not agree. It should be "we" and "our" OR "you" and "your."

#14 - You should say "a blanket," unless you only have one blanket in the apartment.

1. What do we have to do in case of a fire?

2. What do we have to do when a fire breaks out?
3. What do we have to do when your apartment is on fire?

4. Call 119.
5. Inform adults.
6. Inform adults.
7. Use a fire extinguisher.
8. Exit the building and use the stairs.
9. Descend the stairs.
10. Do not use the elevator.
11. Crouch down and exit quickly.
12. Go to the balcony, open the window, and shout for help.
13. Do not pour water on the fire.
14. Smother the fire with a blanket.
15. Wake up your family and exit the building low to the ground.

The revised questions and statements are now grammatically correct.