How do i find the 12th term of the sequence


using a formula

Matt/John -- please use the same name for your posts.

Use the formula Bobpursley showed you.

This is a GS where a = 36 , r = 1/2

term(n) = a r^(n-1)
term(12) = 36(1/2)^11
= 36(1/2048) = 9/512


To find the 12th term of the sequence 36, 18, 9..., you can use a formula called the nth term formula. This formula is given by:

\[ a_n = a_1 \times r^{n-1} \]

- \( a_n \) represents the nth term of the sequence
- \( a_1 \) represents the first term of the sequence
- \( r \) represents the common ratio of the sequence
- \( n \) represents the position of the term you want to find

In this case, the first term (\( a_1 \)) is 36, and the common ratio (\( r \)) can be found by dividing any term by its previous term. Taking the second term (18) divided by the first term (36), we get \( \frac{1}{2} \). This means the common ratio is \( \frac{1}{2} \).

Now, substitute all the values into the formula to find the 12th term:

\[ a_{12} = 36 \times (\frac{1}{2})^{12-1} \]

Simplifying this equation gives:

\[ a_{12} = 36 \times (\frac{1}{2})^{11} \]

Finally, calculate the expression to find the 12th term:

\[ a_{12} = 36 \times \frac{1}{2048} \]

Therefore, the 12th term of the sequence is \( \frac{36}{2048} \), which simplifies to \( \frac{9}{512} \).