What are some reading strategies or tips I can use for the Ela state exam?

Try these tips.


If you don't know the meaning of a word, try to figure it out from its context.

thanks :)

Good luck!

Can someone please give me the answers for Lesson 10: Exploring Who We Are Unit Review. It's for Conexus. Their are 18 questions!

Preparing for the ELA state exam requires a combination of strategies and tips to improve your reading comprehension skills. Here are some strategies you can use:

1. Practice Active Reading: Engage actively with the text by underlining or highlighting important information, making notes in the margins, and asking questions about the content. This helps you stay focused and grasp the main ideas.

2. Preview the Text: Before diving into the passage, take a few moments to preview it. Read the title, headings, and any subheadings, as they can provide clues about the content. Glance through the introduction and conclusion to get an overview of the main ideas.

3. Skim or Scan: Employ skimming and scanning techniques to quickly locate specific information. Skim by swiftly reading through the text to grasp its general aspects. Scan by moving your eyes quickly over the text to find particular words, phrases, or details you are looking for.

4. Analyze Text Structure: Pay attention to the organizational structure of the passage, such as headings, subheadings, and paragraph breaks. This helps you identify the main ideas and how they are connected. Look for signal words like "however," "therefore," or "on the other hand" to understand relationships between ideas.

5. Take Notes: Jot down important points, key ideas, or any details that seem significant. This helps with comprehension and later review. Consider summarizing the main points in your own words.

6. Infer Meaning: Use context clues to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. Look for surrounding words or sentences that provide hints about the word's definition or usage.

7. Answer Questions Strategically: Read the questions before reading the passage. This gives you an idea of what to look for and helps you focus your reading. While answering, refer back to the text and underline or highlight evidence to support your answer.

8. Time Management: Allocate your time wisely. Make note of the number of passages and questions, and consider how much time to devote to each. Pace yourself to ensure you have enough time for all sections.

Remember, consistent practice is key to improving your reading skills. Work with sample passages and practice answering questions to become more comfortable with the format and enhance your reading comprehension abilities.