As far back as __________, researchers began to explore possible racial /

ethnic bias in sentencing.


To find the answer to your question, we can start by understanding the context and researching academic sources on the topic of racial/ethnic bias in sentencing. This will help us determine when researchers began exploring this issue.

1. Start by conducting a search in academic databases or search engines like Google Scholar, JSTOR, or PubMed, using keywords such as "racial bias in sentencing" or "ethnic bias in criminal justice."

2. Look for relevant research articles, books, or scholarly sources that discuss the history of studying racial/ethnic bias in sentencing. Pay attention to the introduction or literature review sections where they might mention the beginnings of such research.

3. You can also refer to reputable criminal justice organizations, legal journals, or publications that focus on issues related to racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system.

4. When you find a relevant source, carefully read the information provided to determine the timeframe in which researchers started exploring racial/ethnic bias in sentencing. This may include specific studies, landmark cases, or legislative changes that prompted further investigation.

By following these steps, you should be able to find precise information on when researchers began exploring possible racial/ethnic bias in sentencing.

What date does your text say?