A statistics student had excluded three outlier values when constructing a histogram of a frequency distribution. His teacher directed him to remake the histogram and include the outliers. Which of the following must be true?

1The shape of the histogram changes.
2The interpretation of the histogram remains the same.
3The shape of the histogram remains the same.
4The class boundaries would change.

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To determine which of the statements must be true, let's analyze each one:

1) The shape of the histogram changes:
This statement is true. Including the outlier values in the histogram will likely affect the shape of the distribution. Outliers have the potential to skew the data and alter the overall distribution pattern.

2) The interpretation of the histogram remains the same:
This statement is not necessarily true. The inclusion of outlier values can impact the interpretation of the data. Outliers may indicate extreme values, unusual patterns, or the presence of errors in the data. Hence, the interpretation may change with the inclusion of outliers.

3) The shape of the histogram remains the same:
This statement is false. As mentioned earlier, the shape of the histogram is likely to change when outliers are included. Outliers can heavily influence the overall distribution by shifting the mean, impacting the symmetry, and affecting the spread of the data.

4) The class boundaries would change:
This statement is not necessarily true. Including outlier values does not necessarily require changing the class boundaries of the histogram. The class boundaries are determined based on the range and nature of the data, and outliers do not necessarily affect this aspect.

Based on our analysis, statements 1 and 4 must be true.

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420 blaze it

about the same amount of rain fell 2 months ago like last month


Two months ago, the mean daily rainfall in a local city was 9.4 cm. The mean absolute deviation was 3.5 cm. Last month, the mean daily rainfall in that city was 11.5 cm, and the mean absolute deviation was 1.6 cm.

Which statement about the rainfall is true