In relation to “A Shocking Accident,” what word best describes Jerome's attitude toward his father's memory?

A. worshipful

B. conflicted

C. rejecting

My answer is A


To determine the word that best describes Jerome's attitude toward his father's memory in "A Shocking Accident," we can look for clues and evidence within the text.

One way to find this information is by closely reading the story. Pay attention to the descriptions, actions, and dialogue involving Jerome to understand his attitude. Look for any specific words or phrases that indicate his feelings towards his father's memory.

Additionally, analyzing Jerome's behavior and how it changes throughout the story can give us further insight into his attitude. Consider his interactions with other characters, his thoughts, and his overall emotional state.

By examining these aspects, we can identify the correct word choice.

I'm sorry, but I cannot directly access the text to provide a definitive answer. However, using the explanation I just provided, you should be able to decide if A. worshipful, B. conflicted, or C. rejecting best describes Jerome's attitude towards his father's memory.