A cylindrical drum with an open top is to be constructed using 1 m^2 of aluminum

a)write and equation for the volume of the drum in terms of radius
b)what radius gives the direct maximum value?
c)What is the maximum volume if the radius can be a maximum of 0.2m ?

no ideas at all

v = pi r^2 h
so, h = (1/pi r^2)

to find max volume,

dv/dt = 2pi r h
now plug in the value for h, and solve for dv/dr = 0

just to be precise, h = 1/(pi r^2)

a) The volume of a cylindrical drum can be calculated using the equation V = πr^2h, where V is the volume, r is the radius, and h is the height. However, since the drum has an open top, the height is not specified. Let's assume the height is also h. Then, the equation for the volume can be written as V = πr^2h.

b) To find the radius that gives the maximum volume, we need to differentiate the volume equation with respect to the radius and set it equal to zero. Let's differentiate the equation:

dV/dr = 2πrh = 0

Since we are given that the total surface area of the drum is 1 m^2, we can relate the radius and height using the formula:

2πrh + πr^2 = 1

From this equation, we can solve for h in terms of r:

h = (1 - πr^2) / (2πr)

Substituting this value of h back into the equation for dV/dr:

2πr * [(1 - πr^2) / (2πr)] = 0


(1 - πr^2) / r = 0

Setting the numerator equal to zero:

1 - πr^2 = 0

πr^2 = 1

r^2 = 1/π

r = √(1/π)

Therefore, the radius that gives the maximum volume is √(1/π).

c) If the radius can be a maximum of 0.2 m, you would simply substitute this value into the volume equation to find the maximum volume:

V = π(0.2)^2h

Since the height is not specified, we cannot determine the maximum volume without knowing the height as well.


a) To find the equation for the volume of the cylindrical drum in terms of the radius, we can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder, which is given by:

Volume = π * r^2 * h

π is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.
r represents the radius of the cylinder.
h denotes the height of the cylinder.

However, please note that in this case, the height of the drum is not given, but we do know that the surface area (1 m^2) is equal to the sum of the area of the base (π * r^2) and the area of the curved lateral surface (2 * π * r * h).

b) To find the radius that gives the maximum volume, we need to find the derivative of the volume equation with respect to r and set it equal to zero. This is because the maximum or minimum value of a function occurs at the points where its derivative is zero.

c) To find the maximum volume if the radius can be a maximum of 0.2 m, we can substitute this value into the volume equation obtained in part a) and calculate the resulting volume.