True or false? According to socioemotional selectivity theory, emotional regulation becomes the primary social need in middle adulthood.

(Points : 1)

Again, what do YOU think?


To determine whether the statement is true or false, we need to understand the socioemotional selectivity theory and its implications for middle adulthood.

The socioemotional selectivity theory suggests that as people age, they become more focused on the emotional aspects of their social interactions. Older adults tend to prioritize emotional satisfaction and well-being over acquiring new information or expanding their social networks. This shift occurs because individuals become more aware of the limited time they have left in their life and become more motivated to optimize emotional experiences.

Now, let's analyze the statement: According to the socioemotional selectivity theory, emotional regulation becomes the primary social need in middle adulthood.

This statement is FALSE. The socioemotional selectivity theory suggests that emotional regulation becomes the primary social need in LATER adulthood, not specifically in middle adulthood. Middle adulthood is generally defined as the period between ages 40-65, while later adulthood is typically considered as 65 and above.

During middle adulthood, individuals may experience various social needs, including career advancement, establishing stable relationships, raising a family, and maintaining friendships. Although emotional regulation is important throughout life, it does not become the primary social need in middle adulthood according to the socioemotional selectivity theory.

Therefore, the correct answer is FALSE.