A and B are numbers. The result of AB is an even number. The result of A+B is uneven number. A = ?, B = ?

so confuse..

2 * 5 = 10

2 + 5 = 7

suppose A=2

so we can conclude that A*B=2*7=14
I think there are many numbers which can complete this condition.

To find the values of A and B, we need to apply some logic based on the given information. Let's break it down step by step.

1. "The result of AB is an even number."
This means that A multiplied by B must be an even number.

To determine whether a number is even or odd, we can look at its divisibility by 2. If a number is divisible by 2 without any remainder, it is an even number. If there is a remainder of 1, it is an odd number.

So, we can conclude that either A or B (or both) is even.

2. "The result of A+B is an uneven number."
Here, A added to B must result in an odd number.

Now, let's consider the possible cases:

Case 1: A is even and B is odd
If A is even, then A + B will always be odd, as an even number plus an odd number is always odd. So, this case satisfies the condition of A+B being an odd number.

Case 2: A is odd and B is even
If A is odd, then the only way for A + B to be odd is if B is odd as well. In this case, the sum of two odd numbers is always even. Therefore, Case 2 does not satisfy the condition of A+B being an odd number.

Case 3: A is even and B is even
If both A and B are even, then A + B will always be even, as the sum of two even numbers is even. Therefore, Case 3 does not satisfy the condition of A+B being an odd number.

From the above analysis, we can conclude that A must be even and B must be odd to satisfy both conditions.

Therefore, we can assign any even number to A, and any odd number to B, and it will fulfill the given conditions. For example, A = 2 and B = 3.

Please note that there may be multiple valid solutions for this problem, as long as A is even and B is odd.