A protostar has a high enough___to become a star.

A. volume
B. mass
C. temperature
D. brightness
Is the answer B?
Thanks in advance

I believe so.

it is b

i promise

Thank you.

Thanks for the help

ok so who's right?

Yes, the correct answer is B. mass.

To understand why, let's break down the process of star formation:

1. Star Formation: Stars are born from large, dense clouds of gas and dust known as molecular clouds. Within these clouds, gravitational forces cause the materials to clump together, forming a protostar.

2. Protostar Stage: A protostar is essentially a "baby star" that hasn't started nuclear fusion yet, which is the process that powers stars. During this stage, the protostar continues to accumulate mass as more material falls onto it.

3. Main Sequence: Once the protostar reaches a critical mass threshold, known as the fusion ignition mass, it becomes a star and enters the main sequence phase. In the core of the star, nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms begins, generating immense heat and light.

Now, returning to the given question, the factor that determines whether a protostar will become a star is its mass. If the protostar has enough mass, it will reach the fusion ignition mass, allowing nuclear fusion to start, and it will become a star. If the protostar's mass is too low, it may not reach the critical threshold, and it will not become a star.

Therefore, option B, mass, is the correct answer.

No, its A.... liars... (TROLL FACE)