How many musicians are there in an orchestra if 24 violinists represent 15% of all musicians?

0.15x = 24

x = 24/0.15

x = ?

To find the total number of musicians in the orchestra, we can use the given information that 24 violinists represent 15% of all musicians.

Step 1: Calculate the number of musicians represented by 1%:
Since 24 violinists represent 15%, we can divide the number of violinists by the percentage to find the number of musicians represented by 1%:
Number of musicians represented by 1% = 24 violinists / 15% = 24 / 0.15 = 160 musicians

Step 2: Calculate the total number of musicians in the orchestra:
Since 1% represents 160 musicians, we can multiply the number of musicians represented by 1% by 100 to find the total number of musicians:
Total musicians in the orchestra = Number of musicians represented by 1% * 100 = 160 musicians * 100 = 16,000 musicians

Therefore, there are 16,000 musicians in the orchestra.