How can you - illustrate how you came to "know the of boundary of your own thoughts, feelings and experiences" and how this is helpful in understanding others.

I know we learn our boundries from a young age, but how is it helpful in understanding others? and how do we come to know them? Is it through our culture or how society preceives us. Not sure where to go with this.

I really don't know, either. But maybe this will help:

Understanding the boundaries of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences is crucial for developing empathy and understanding towards others. It helps us recognize that our perspectives are not universal and that different individuals may have different thoughts, feelings, and experiences shaped by their own unique circumstances.

To illustrate how we come to know the boundaries of our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences, I can guide you through a self-reflective process:

1. Self-awareness: Begin by examining your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Reflect on your beliefs, values, biases, and personal history. Consider how these factors have influenced your perceptions and opinions.

2. Introspection: Engage in introspection to understand your own emotions, motivations, and reactions to various situations. Observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment, and try to identify patterns and triggers that shape your perspective.

3. Self-reflection: Regularly take time to analyze your own experiences and how they have shaped your worldview. This can involve journaling, meditation, or seeking feedback from trusted individuals to gain insight and expand your self-awareness.

4. Learning from others: Actively seek diverse perspectives and listen with an open mind. Engage in conversations with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs. Pay attention to their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and try to understand how they differ from your own.

5. Empathy and compassion: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Once we have a better understanding of our own boundaries, it becomes easier to recognize and empathize with the boundaries of others. This leads to greater compassion and respect for the diversity of human experiences.

Regarding your question about how we come to know the boundaries of others, it is a complex process influenced by various factors. Culture and society undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping our understanding of others' boundaries. Our upbringing, education, and exposure to different cultures all contribute to our awareness of diverse perspectives. However, it is important to remember that individual experiences vary, and not everyone from the same culture or society will have identical boundaries.

Ultimately, gaining a deeper understanding of others' boundaries requires active effort and an open mind. Engaging in meaningful conversations, actively listening, and cultivating empathy are essential steps in building connections and bridging the gap between our own experiences and those of others.